Right Energy Solutions -
Future Wave Energy Saver Price
Save Energy.Save Money.
Right Energy Solutions pride ourselves on being completely independent and providing our clients with realistic energy efficient solutions and recommendations.
We provide tailored and specific energy audits, energy efficient solutions, sustainable solutions and energy saving tips for Commercial, Industrial, Strata clients, Schools, Small Business and residential clients.
Right Energy Solutions provide a high-quality energy audit for all users of electric motors. From Swimming pool filters and irrigation pumps to refrigeration and extraction fans. We will analyse the application and provide a tailored solution that will reduce your energy consumption from between 40% and 90%. 
Right Energy Solutions have partnered with Future Wave Innovations to use their Australian invented Energy Saver. The Future Wave™ uses VFD technology and proprietary programming, thus improving the efficiency of your A/C motor. Not just a Variable Speed Drive, the Future Wave Energy Saver is a pre programmed, customised product, optimised to the specific application to employ maximum energy saving without compromising performance.
The Future Wave Energy Saver is a patented, approved invention, made in Australia. It is being used throughout the domestic and commercial aquatic, air ventilation & irrigation industries; providing huge power cost savings, along with reduction in noise level and carbon emissions.
For more information on how we can save you $1000's with a return on investment of between 6 months and 3 years call us on 0432445822. Future Wave Energy Saver Price.

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